Awesome Neuraxle
A curated list of Neuraxle resources.
You can contribute to this list by following the instructions here. By contributing, you accept to make your contribution available under the public domain as per this list’s specific CC0 1.0 Universal License.
Examples & Articles¶
Neuraxle’s official introduction on its documentation website - Official intro to Neuraxle.
Neuraxle official code examples - Official Neuraxle code examples.
Coding Kata: Clean Machine Learning From Dirty Code - A coding workshop on refactoring your machine learning code into something that respects Clean Code principles.
Seq2Seq example using Neuraxle - A tutorial on creating a seq2seq RNN, using Neuraxle.
What’s Wrong with Scikit-Learn Pipelines? - How to use sklearn for Deep Learning, AutoML, and complex production-level pipelines?
A Rant on Kaggle Competition Code (and Most Research Code) - How to not make clean machine learning pipelines
How to Code Neat Machine Learning Pipelines - How to make clean machine learning pipelines
SOLID Machine Learning - The SOLID principles applied to Machine Learning.
Courses & Training¶
Deep Learning and Recurrent Neural Networks Training - An in-depth technical and practical training on how to do deep learning and recurrent neural networks, using TensorFlow and Neuraxle.
Clean Machine Learning Training - An in-depth technical and practical training on how to do clean machine learning.
Machine Learning and Clean Code - A talk on creating clean machine learning code, using Neuraxle for demonstration.
(Language: French) Neuraxle - An Open-Source Framework for AutoML and Time Series Processing - An introductory talk on Neuraxle, in French.
Growing Neat Software Architecture from Jupyter Notebooks - A talk on how to create clean software architecture in machine learning projects such as using Neuraxle.
The Business Process of Machine Learning - A non-technical talk on conveying machine learning projects.
Scikit-Learn - A simple library with which Neuraxle is compatible by default.
Neuraxle-TensorFlow - A library that extends Neuraxle, for using TensorFlow within Neuraxle.
Empty Python Project Base - Empty python project starter kit for your next Neuraxle project.
Sales forecasting - A commercial transaction forecasting project using Neuraxle.
TensorFlow 2 Multilayer Perceptron - A MLP using Neuraxle-TensorFlow.
LSTM example using Neuraxle - An LSTM RNN using Neuraxle-TensorFlow.
Neuraxle Seq2Seq Attention - An attention mechanism using Neuraxle-TensorFlow.
Neuraxio’s Slack Workspace for Neuraxle - A slack workspace centered around Neuraxle by Neuraxio.
Neuraxle tag on StackOverflow - Neuraxle questions on StackOverflow.
Neuraxle issues - Neuraxle issue on GitHub.
To the extent possible under law, Neuraxio Inc. and all contributors to this list have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this awesome list for Neuraxle resources. Read the full license here.